Where did I go?

So, I would like to apologise for my absence of a month and a bit, there is no drama to be had, no stress being put upon me by my family, friends or work.  Mainly my not updating this blog is all down to sheer laziness on my part.  Although I could also add that i was just uninspired to write reviews, but there is also the case of my getting into a new anime courtesy of my sister and I wound up doing some stories in relation to that instead of putting time aside to focus on this.

Normally my blog posts are already and waiting a month in advance, just incase I get a moment where I really can’t be bothered or if I haven’t actually read any books in a while due to my writing a lot of fanfiction – and in relation to that, reading a lot of fanfiction.  Which makes me wish I could actually do fanfiction reviews on here, but I don’t know how to go about that for one, or if that is even fair on anyone to do so.


For the moment I am back and getting onto some new reviews!

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